Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Prodigal Pets Have Returned

     If you have found your pet – YAHOO!  Congratulations! You have your pet back! You have conducted an effective search and followed a plan. Be sure to check for fleas, ticks, scratches, sores or wounds. Most pets will be dehydrated and should have veterinary care. Take your pet to the veterinarian and have them checked out to make sure they did not eat anything poisonous, or have any injuries. Pay special attention to your pet and if your pet is not eating and drinking normally, you must take them to the veterinarian. You should take your pet to the veterinarian even if you don’t see anything visually wrong. Some injuries can be hidden under fur, or there could be internal injuries. It is better to make sure your pet is ok than risk further trauma, injury or illness.

     It's important to let your friends, family and neighbors know that you found your pet. Remove all of the signs and flyers you posted. Put up one or two FOUND posters so everyone knows you got your pet back safely! Contact all of the shelters and organizations you asked for assistance and update them about your case. If you posted your pet online, make sure you remove or update all postings.

     Now that your beloved pet is home and safe, you should be aware pets that go missing are at a higher risk for going missing again! This may be due to stress or other unknown factors. It is MUCH easier to keep a pet safe than it is to locate a lost pet. Consider what you are willing to do to keep your pet safe. Many measures in securing your front or back yards may cost some money but keeping your family pet safe and sound may save you in the long run.

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