Friday, August 10, 2012

Feline Features

     When a cat goes missing it is an emergency. Many people ask us where their cat will be found, if it will be close to home or far away. After SIX YEARS working to find lost cats we can tell you this – there is NO GUARANTEED PATTERN in all lost pet cases. Indoor only cats have been found blocks from home. Outdoor access pets have been found inside hiding in drawers or opened crawl spaces after having been missing for a week!  Friendly animals are found hiding while shy pets are picked-up by rescuers and transported miles away. That is why – you MUST cover ALL of your bases!
     However, there are some general guidelines, but don‘t rule any possibility out. In addition, there are MANY factors that contribute to where and how a pet will be located. For example, if there are many hiding places where your cat went missing there is a better chance that your cat will be located closer to home. But, if you live in a new subdivision without many hiding places then your cat may have to travel further away to find a safe sanctuary. That would mean that your cat would be found further away from home.

     In addition, it's no myth that cats are no strangers to climbing trees. Climbing up for cats is generally automatically, possibly even hard-wired into felines. To get down from a tree the cat has to descend backwards, rump first, so that the claws can still operate so the cat doesn‘t just slide down. The claws are curved downward, which get stuck if the cat tries to go down face-first. This skill must be learned. And, more often, a cat will remain ―stuck‖ in the tree or will try to find a way to jump down to a roof.

     Cats will climb trees for a variety of reasons, including being chased by loose dogs, coyotes, raccoons, or even chasing birds or squirrels. However, if a cat gets outside it is a possibility that they will get stuck up a tree or on a roof. Make sure when you are searching for your lost cat to include these locations. This is more of a possibility with outdoor access cats than indoor only cats.

     Lastly, please help spread the word about Chloe, a lost GS mix from the city of Vista which is located in the Northern part of the San Diego county. She has been missing since 7/28/2012. She is very kind and loving, but can also be quite skittish. Help bring Chloe home. Thanks!

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