Saturday, September 1, 2012

Follow Us!!

     Here at Pet Search and Rescue we are highly dedicated to doing everything possible to help find your beloved missing  pets. That includes using every avenue available to help raise awareness about the many missing animals that need help returning to their families. You can also help just by following and sharing each new post and update on our  blog site, Facebook and Twitter accounts. The more likes and shares generated means that many more eyes helping to keep a look out for your beloved lost ones. Follow us at:
    We also have two blogs you can follow to get more information and free tips and tricks used to help find your pet and keeping your pet healthy. Along with our social media have very dedicated detectives and search dogs to help broaden the range of recovery. If you want more personal one on one help with creating a specific plan of action in finding your lost pet than check out our direct website:
We are also available via phone at: 800-925-2410
Our Blog Sites:
     There are also many great tips and detailed guidelines in our Lost Dog and Cat Recovery Guides that may significantly increase your chances in finding your wayward animal. Saving animals from being lost is our passion, which is why there was such great care in putting together proven detailed methods of searching for and recovering your missing companions.
     Lost your dog? Don’t put off your search! The Lost Dog Recovery Guide is available for purchase online:
    Are you missing your cat? The Lost Cat Recovery Guide is also available for purchase online:

     We here at Pet Search and Rescue are here to do all we can to help you in your time of crisis and also sincerely appreciate any help you can provide in spreading the word about all the other helpless lost animals that come across our radar.

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